Kirklees Conservatives have released their budget amendment for the annual budget meeting next week.
Leader of the Kirklees Conservative councillors, Cllr David Hall said, “We have listened to residents, and they are angry with many of the current poor services which this Labour-controlled council provides. We agree. Residents deserve better for their money, and we have set out ambitious plans to upgrade many services.
Cllr Martyn Bolt, the Conservatives’ spokesman for transport and the environment added, “Our plan includes provision for a better bulky waste collection service. Residents currently are often left for weeks with an item of bulky waste in their front garden awaiting collection. We would introduce a proper appointment service for collections. We would also ensure that bins are emptied over Christmas week, just as they are in neighbouring councils.
“An extra £10million would be invested to resurface the crumbling roads which shame our borough. An extra £1million investment in flood management and drainage improvements would ensure that gulleys are cleaned out more regularly and small-scale environmental works are commissioned to keep our rivers free of blockages.
“The Labour administration has been inactive in the face of poor air quality and the need to reduce the council’s carbon footprint, and we would invest extra funds to address these two most urgent issues.
“These are all areas where residents continually report dissatisfaction with Labour’s current services, and now is the time for change. All these things can be achieved with a lower council tax, if proper efficiencies are achieved and reserves used prudently”.